mardi 4 décembre 2018

The Secret of the Nagas

 The Secret of the Nagas

Side profile of a man standing in water and holding a snake in his left hand, which has its head raised towards the front. The man’s face is in shadow, but his throat appears bright blue in color. He wears a tiger skin and on his shoulder, scars are visible.

The Secret of the Nagas - Amish Tripathi

The Secret of the Nagas is the second novel of the Shiva trilogy series by the Indian author Amish Tripathi. The story takes place in the imaginary land of Meluha and narrates how the inhabitants of that land are saved from their wars by a nomad named Shiva. It begins from where its predecessor,The Immortals of Meluha, left off, with Shiva trying to save Sati from the invading Naga. Later Shiva takes his troop of soldiers and travels far east to the land of Branga, where he wishes to find a clue to reach the Naga people. Shiva also learns that Sati's first child is still alive, as well as her twin sister. His journey ultimately leads him to the Naga capital of Panchavati, where he finds a surprise waiting for him.(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

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