mardi 4 décembre 2018

The Immortals of Meluha

The Immortals of Meluha

  Back profile of a man, who has big, unkempt hair, which is tied to a knot at the top of his head. The man overlooks a huge lake, which is surrounded by snow-clad mountains. In front of the man's naked torso, a trident is kept.

The Immortals of Meluha

The Immortals of Meluha is the first novel of the Shiva trilogy series by Amish Tripathi. The story is set in the land of Meluha and starts with the arrival of the Tibetan tribal Shiva. The Meluhan belief that Shiva is their fabled saviour Neelkanth, is confirmed when he consumes the Somras, a legendary healing potion, which turns his throat blue. Shiva decides to help the Meluhans in their war against the Chandravanshis, who had joined forces with a cursed group called Nagas; however, in his journey and the resulting fight that ensues, Shiva learns how his choices actually reflected who he aspires to be and how it led to dire consequences.

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عن الموقع

عالم المعرفة هو موقع يتيح لك العديد من الكتب العربية و الاجنبية في مختلف أنواع التخصصات الادبية و العلمية، بشكل بسيط و سهل التحميل من أجل نشر ثقافة الكتب في العالم العربي.